Ashby Computers and Graphics 

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 T he idea of the game is that you are an astronaut and your object is to collect as many of the valuable minerals, etc., of the planet which you are on, whilst also collecting fuel for your safe departure. Though the scenario is not the most original around, what puts it to number one in my eyes is the fantastic quality of the graphics. The characters are beautifully designed and colour is used very well indeed. But the thing that really caught my eye was the incredible smoothness of it all. Never in the game will you see one jerky move. As you get to more planets the inhabitants get more and more determined to stop you. Another nice feature is the way in which, as you proceed through the game, your rocket turns into a space shuttle - a nice touch.

There are five controls to be mastered: left, right, fire, thrust and hover. All of which may be controlled via the keyboard or through a joystick.

Overall this is a very well put together piece of software. If you want a game with impact then this is one of the best around. An excellent program and game.

Addictiveness    ADDICTIVENESS


Graphics    GRAPHICS


Programming    PROGRAMMING


Lasting Appeal    LASTING APPEAL


Value    VALUE



Overall Score    OVERALL SCORE       92%


Reviewed by

James Walsh




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